Swiss QR Bills API- Developers Resources

Sandbox API End Point :

Developers can integrate Swiss QR Bills API ( Application Programming Interface) into their billing applications or mobile applications. There is no limit of testing Swiss QR Bills API.
For Production API Endpoint, login to member Area and purchase API Credits. Users who have high volume of transactions, can contact us.

Swiss QR Bills API Parameters

Want to start QR Code business or need to generate high volume of QR Codes for your applications, buy QR Code Server to generate QR Codes, UPI QR Codes, B2C QR Codes, SEPA QR Codes or any other payment scehemes QR Codes. Your QR Code server will be customized for your sepecific project requirements.

ParametersData TypeWhether MandatoryLengthDescription
apikey string yes100 Characters MaximumRegister and login to member area to get your apikey.
CRname string yes70 Characters MaximumSeller / Creditor/ Payment Receiver Name
CRiban string yes21 AlphanumericIBAN No. of the Seller/ Payment Receiver's. IBAN Nos. of Switzerland and Liechtenstein are permitted
CRadd1 string no70 Characters MaximumSeller/ Payment Receiver's Street/P.O. Box from the creditor's address
CRadd2 string no16 Characters MaximumSeller/ Payment Receiver's Building number from creditor's address
CRPostCode string Conditional16 Characters MaximumSeller/ Payment Receiver's postal code is must be provided without a country code prefix
CRcity string Conditional35 Characters MaximumSeller/ Payment Receiver's City / town
CRcountry string yes2 Characters OnlySeller/ Payment Receiver's Country Code. Only CH/LI permitted.
CH -> for Switzerland
LI -> Liechtenstein
billamount Currency no12 (Format 0.00)Bill Amount. Maximum 12-digits permitted, including decimal separators. Only decimal points (".") are permitted as decimal separators. The amount must be between CHF/EUR 0.01 and CHF/EUR 999999999.99.
CRcurrency string yes3 AlphaCHF/EUR
CHF->For Swiss franc
DRname stringConditional70 Characters MaximumBuyer / Debtor/ Payer Name
DRadd1 string no70 Characters maximumBuyer/ Payer's Street/P.O. Box from the creditor's address
DRadd2 string no16 Characters MaximumBuyer/ Payer's Building number from creditor's address
DCRPostCode string Conditional16 Characters maximumBuyer/ Payer's postal code is must be provided without a country code prefix
DRcity string Conditional35 Characters maximumBuyer/ Payer's City / town
DRcountry string Conditional2 Characters OnlyBuyer/ Payer's Country Code. Only Two-letter country code according to ISO 3166-1
refType string yes4 Characters MaximumQRR -> QR reference
SCOR -> Creditor Reference (ISO 11649)
NON -> without reference
ref string Conditional27 CharactersQRR - 27 Characters
SCOR - 5-25 Characters
addInfo string no140 charactersAdditional Information
billingInfo string no140 charactersBill Related information
othpayscheme1 string no100 CharactersPayment Scheme
othpayscheme2 string no100 charactersPayment Scheme
payslip string no3 charactersYES-> If require QR Code with payment detail/ payment slip
NO->If require only Swiss QR Code.
If option is not defined, only Swiss QR Code image will be generated.
Swiss QR Bill Image With Payslip
Swiss QR Bill Image Without Payslip
output string no5 charactersimage -> if required output is QR Code Image
JSON-> If required output in JSON. Output will be JSON and image will be encoded in base64 String
If option is not defined, image will be the output in response
website string no100 characterswebsite name to be printed on Swiss QR Bill in production.

Swiss QR Bills API Sample Responses

PHP Code for integration of SWISS QR Bills API

C# Code for integration of Swiss QR Bills API

C# Code for integration of Swiss QR Bills API

JAVA.NET Code for integration of Swiss QR Bills API

JavaScript JQuery Code for integration of Swiss QR Bills API

JavaScript XMLHttpRequest Code for integration of Swiss QR Bills API

Kotlin OkHttp Code for integration of Swiss QR Bills API

Python http.client Code for integration of Swiss QR Bills API

Python Requests Code for integration of Swiss QR Bills API

Python Unirest Code for integration of Swiss QR Bills API

Ruby Unirest Code for integration of Swiss QR Bills API

Ruby net::http Code for integration of Swiss QR Bills API

Node.js HTTP Code for integration of Swiss QR Bills API

Node.js Request HTTP Code for integration of Swiss QR Bills API

Node.js Unirest HTTP Code for integration of Swiss QR Bills API

Node.js Axios HTTP Code for integration of Swiss QR Bills API

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