GST B2C QR Code API- Developers Resources

Sandbox API ENDPOINT: https://www.omqrc.com/b2cqrtestapi

Production API ENDPOINT: https://www.omqrc.com/b2cqrapi

Generate GST B2C QR Codes dynamically and print on your GST invoices. Simple and fast way to generate GST B2C QR Code.

Developers can integrate our GST B2C QR Code API ( Application Programming Interface) into their GST web applications or GST mobile applications.

Want to start QR Code business or need to generate high volume of QR Codes for your applications, buy QR Code Server to generate QR Codes, UPI QR Codes, B2C QR Codes, SEPA QR Codes or any other payment scehemes QR Codes. Your QR Code server will be customized for your sepecific project requirements.

ParametersData TypeWhether MandatoryDescription
apikey string Yes Register and get your API key from member area
vpa string Conditional vpa Virtual Private Address issued by PSP
Note: Payment Address with bankaccount@ifsccode will be created, if vpa is not defined
payee string Yes UPI ID Holder Name / Bank Account Holder Name
mc string No Merchant Code allotted by PSP
billno string Yes Invoice No / Bill No.
billDate Date Yes Invoice Date / Bill Date (dd-mm-yyyy) i.e. 30-09-2021
amount Currency #.00 Yes Invoice Amount / Bill Amount Total Payable
SellerGstin string Yes GST ID of Seller
BankAcNo string Yes Bank Account No.
IFSCCode string Yes IFSC Code
GSTAmount Currency #.00 Yes Total GST Amount
CGSTAmount Currency #.00 Yes CGST Amount
SGSTAmount Currency #.00 Yes SGST Amount
IGSTAmount Currency #.00 Yes IGST Amount
CESS Currency #.00 Conditional CESS Amount, if applicable
TCSAmount Currency #.00 Conditional Tax Collected at Source, if applicable
docUrl string no Link to view Invoice Detail
payUrl string no Link to Make Online Payment through Payment Gateway
size Number between 50-1000 No Size of the B2C QR to be generated. If blank, then default size will be applied
front Hexa Color Code for foreground No If not supplied , then black color be used foreground.
back Hexa Color Code for backgroundNo If not supplied , then white color be used for background.

Integrating B2C QR API in HTML Pages

PHP Code to Integrate UPI QR API into your website

Javascript for integrating B2C QR API into your website

C# Code for integrating B2C QR API into your Billing Application

VB.NET Code for integrating B2C QR API into Billing Application

Integrating B2C QR API into BI Publisher

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