Kenya QR Code Generator

Generate Kenya QR Codes for receiving payment from mobile apps. Generate Static & Dynamic KE-QR Codes for receiving domestic & international payments.

You can charge fixed or percentage Convenience charges or prompt the payment app to let the customer make Convenience Charges.

To receive International Payments you should have VISA Payment ID, Mastercard Payment ID, Discover payment ID, JCB Payment ID, Amex payment ID or Unionpay International Payment ID. Please contact your bank for getting these IDs.

To customize Kenya KE-QR Codes with your background design & logo, Register & Login to Member Area, Upload your Background Design & Logo, Buy a Package & Generate Custom Kenya KE-QR Codes.

Fill the Form to generate Static or Dynamic Kenya QR Codes

Application is useful for generating and testing your Keyna QR Codes. In case need assistance, please write us

Note: 1. Fields marked as red asterisk (*) are mandatory

Select Additional Payment Schemes from TAG-2 to TAG-25 for International Payment. TAG 28 for Kenya PSP account identifier & TAG 29 for Kenya Bank Wallet identifier. You can enter multiple payment schemes by adding multiple rows. TAG-64 is for Bill related information, which is not mandatory.

Srno Tag Code Sub Tag Tag Value Remove
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